Who Pays Business Taxes = YOU, Dear Consumer


"Let's Tax Business - Yeah!"

A Simplified Financial Statement of a Supermarket in Kent:

Cost of products....
Cost of Employees
Business Taxes......
Rules Compliance
Total Cost.............
Profit ....................
Sales Price.............
Sales Tax ..............
You Pay ................
$5 **
$5 **
$10 **

** You pay $20 Tax,
not just the sales tax of $10.

HA !!! Government FOOLED YOU AGAIN !!!

Just remember that
when you like government to increase business taxes

Remember how dishonest your Senators are when they say:
We give you a tax break, we just tax businesses more!

Yes, it matters when a business has to sprinkle a freezer for fire protection ? For Frozen Water?

Yes, it matters when a business has to pay for the ame Permit from King County,
AND WA-State AND the Federal Government, for the SAME Store

Yes, it matters different inspectors and fire chiefs make up rules as they go along,
rather then sticking to the law. It costs real money!

Yes, it matters, when Business Taxes go up